The autumnal equinox has come to transition us into the fall season and with it came a beautiful super harvest moon. An event which only happens once every 20 years, a super harvest moon occurs when the moon is full on the autumnal equinox.
Because I am not a Wiccan Witch, I have some slight differences in how I view the autumn equinox. I do not typically use the term "Mabon" in my celebrations, but prefer to stick with the Autumnal Equinox because I feel this general term (for me) reverts simply to the celebration of the changing of seasons without additional cultural specifics (ie: Celtic). This also causes my day of celebration to vary each year (between the 20th and 23rd) depending on the year. In addition, while I appreciate the story and literary history of the idea of a dying and rising (Holly/Oak) God who fights for his reign, I do not reciprocate the story in my beliefs.
With that said, I do highly enjoy the fall and with it, the bounty Nature provides. I view the Autumnal Equinox as a Thanksgiving and as a point of reflection to think on what has occurred over this past season, what I am thankful for, and what the new season has in store for me--particularly this year, as I will be getting married on the eve of Halloween.
I can feel the change in the air, and with it, rather than child-like excitement that I have experienced in the past, I feel a sense of realignment with my path. The sense that things are going the way they should be. Natural. And a slight feeling of getting older. That I am irrefutable beyond Artemis now. Athena calls. Life calls. My path is before me and I welcome it with joy. Blessed Autumn.